Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year....Really?

Sorry people for this long an absence from the arena. Actually all my ideas have dried up and my thoughts have locked themselves in some closet. How can someone spill with an empty stomach? But much like those waves that hit the shore and return to the sea...I keep resurfacing and vanishing.

Although, I had thought that 2009 would start with at least some optimism and hope, it has been no less a disaster. Little mishaps, huge mistakes and broken dreams. Apart from a new habit ( of washing linen.. and folding my clothes crease per crease ..), which has been picked up because I want to see if I am the same hostel guy I was once ..there are no positives to be had from the first 20 days of January.

As always, I have a line of goals filling up my journal , some crying out really loud to be realized and some pretty sure of themselves never coming to fruition. 2009 , has started up with fraud cases. Moral decadence is on an all time high. And as I am writing, boyfriend of one of my closest friends is struggling in a Lucknow ICU , battling a lever gone awry. Resolutions are already being broken everyday!!

Never really intended my first post of the year to be such low key and morose. All of you, like me, are fond of flashy beginnings. Also a silent end is what we normally anticipate. So, I must not flee without offering you some hope.

While Obama churns out his rhetoric speeches day in and day out ( God!! He must be speaking the truth..) , I would only say that nothing stays. Be it pain or some joy.. things once started have to have an end. So while we lie down and let out a groan which dies in the pillow... while our tears roll down our cheeks in memory of loses and harsh words of love-never-to-be reverberate in our ear canal.. we should only remember that all these things would pass. And one day when we would look back , we would only find that there is no reason big enough to shed your precious tears for. If need be, weep for the masses. Personal deadlocks and crises need to be dealt with fortitude. At the end of the day, endurance fetches a smile. Good times don't last but they never go too far from you.

Enough of humbug. I have no idea what I have written. I seriously think that whenever I go back and read ...correct for my mistakes , cull out a sentence or two.. or may be tag some ornate line..I am being manipulative. And a writer even if he writes awful, should write the truth.

I was pretty much out of the scene and so missed out on so many interesting posts which you might have put up on blogosphere. Perhaps now... I would read ....Lets see!!