Monday, November 17, 2008

On "losing" and "winning" ..

It has been a busy time for me. Packed with daily bull-shit, diurnal chores and overnight slogging out and mugging. Obviously, in these terrible times of grime and sweat, the "bloglobe" ( a new word??) got left out. But, now I am back, at least for a while to keep turning the wheel. There are some stories to be told, again in bits and shreds. But, tales for tomorrows. Today, its sermon time. Not teaching per se, but some thoughts strewn on the fabric of life. Here I go jotting. And you? Well, if you have come this far, I hope you would go a li'l further.

The title itself is a giveaway. "Winning" / "Losing". The two proverbial verbs that have had the world reeling and vying to pull each others pants down. Everyone trying to outpace his opponents. Grab collars, warm palms, swear, abuse, curse, sweat, conspire, reach for your sickle, clench your fist, slit throats.... Victory. Whatever it takes. Wherever it takes. Whatever it means.

Loss. Absence. Sweat gone in vain. Hopes flung brutally to the ground. Dreams shattered. Jibes of the cruel world. Evil smile of the victorious. Stupid, malicious consolations coming from happy-deep-within-but trying-to-be-sorry people, your conscious attempts to hide yourself from the world. a bitter pill to gulp. We put so many things at stake that losing becomes a disaster.

Whenever I lose something, I feel small. I feel insignificant. Coz, in your state of loss, the world acts cold and leaves you to your own elements. Coz, then, even your most loved ones look at you with unforgiving, accusing eyes.


I have seen many defeats in my little life. You can say that my journey has been stuffed right up to my neck with tears, moans and moments of bitterness. And so ,few have savored victory in a way , I have. Coz, a victory only tastes sweet after you have had enough of chillies. Tell you what, try to lose. Sometimes willingly. For that smile on the victor's face. For that look of relief, for that sweet bow the lips carve after moment of victory arrives. For that joy which a prolonged wait for victory holds in itself. For that tapped frill in the expectation that a win is possible even after you lose most of the time . Lose. Believe me , you would only emerge a winner that way.

At least, I did.


Sandeep Balan said...

wow.....winning n losing deciphered....rightly said....u lose to win....liked the way u handled the whole stuff in ur style....simple n straightforward....

Avanti Gaidhane said...

You just said right. I have just joined Badminton club. And it is really embarrassing to tell that I lost many matches to small children. Small kids come and beat me. Believe me it’s really tuff to lose against someone smaller, younger than you. But u rightly said that until I lose to them I will never learn

an opinion said...


What is so embarrassing in losing to kids..? they are agile and they play all the time!!

I hope, and am pretty convinced, that you would learn to whack the shuttle one day.

Keep playing.

...Abhiket+thoughts... said...

rightly said
"a victory only tastes sweet after you have had enough of chillies. "
One who is always victorious loses the taste of the victory and start to take it for granted.......and there they loose.
Winning and Losing is the two face of the same coin and we can only Hope that we win.
Hope is a good thing,may be the best of the things and no good thing ever dies.Hope that you win the one that you are loosing to.

But Hey!!! I can't think any sphere in which you can loose.....I think you are loosing just to win all over I right???