15th august, 2008 and I am just back to my temple ( comp. room , what else?). We had a flag hoisting ceremony a few hours back. well, suddenly it occurs to me what being free really means. Cool!!we are kind of accustomed to live life on our own terms .Now, no one dictates us to do this or do that. Things are so drastically different from the 1930s and 40s. Everyday we break some shackles. Everyday someone or the other is breaking all bonds and becoming free. Freedom is a cliche nowadays. It is everywhere. Everyone asserts that he is free. But, I doubt this inflated notion of freedom.
I am not sure what I really think of Independence. To me , it is the most perplexing word in the entire dictionary. The same old devils : independent from whom, from what (but where? ) continue to haunt me. Ok, now you have no one like the Britons resting a baton up your ass but the tormentors are still there. Still, the goons act as Gods. Try to venture out , on 14th february with your Gf and then you would know:) . Now there are new dictators floating freely in the markets. Under their blanket , We deem ourselves to be very powerful. Smokey and Spookey free birds that we are, if someone asks to draw a line , we show him a golden finger ( f... , I am free). Now there aren't any Red clothed, booted rulers on horsebacks flooding our own streets. Now we have scantily clad mistresses. If not out of fear, but surely out of shame , our eyes do get lowered. Now that is how the rulers are supposed to evoke a response, isn't it?
Ok, why am I talking philosophical? ( untouchability is still not a passe. the new outcastEs are the ones who talk sense. Even I have laughed at such Big-talkers...). Philosophy arises when rigidity of thoughts meets a completely earth shattering situation. A few minutes ago, while I was walking my way back to the room , I stopped at a tea-shop to have some biscuits ( Ok, I don't drink tea. My friend does..). A small kid, hardly 12 years old, comes up to me and says "SAHIB, AAP BHI CHAI LENGE?". Obviously he gets a "No" for an answer but the sadness that I have seen on his face isn't the one which arises from a negation. This sadness surely springs from subjugation. The taming of his childhood dreams, the snatching of his play-hours. What more does it take to make him sad? But in an independent country, the rich and the famous are free enough to do that.
I think I would have to revise my whole notion of freedom now. If this is freedom , I shudder to even think what subjugation really was. Freedom has entangled us now. It has blinded us from many things. Just think. What have you ever done that a free man could have done and not regret? Nothing. Freedom , at best is a licence to live irresponsibly and not being asked any questions ( parents?? who art thou???). I am tired of living freely. For God's sake, chain me now before I turn unruly and cause a ruckus. I feel like a tamed lion let loose to poUnce on the circus crowd. I feel wild and unchecked. Ahh, awful to really feel like that.
Always feel free but when you act as one, do it a bit more responsibly.
This one inspired me to write something ..what else can I say :P
"act responsibly"-The point about being "responsible" defeats the notion of freedom, is it not? Responsible again implies doing something correctly, or limiting oneself to a certain extent....the limits being decided by society and not by yourself. You choose to let the limits remain unquestioned...and voila! now you're a slave to someone else's whims!
* paradoxical
thanks. never knew I cud inspire people.
"freedom has to be exercised, all right. but not on the expense of somebody's pleasures.
If I were to live all on my own and go on to do things that I really want, I would end up making at least a zillion guys unhappy.
If acting responsibly is the price of freedom we have to pay, there's no escape.
freedom--- responsibility--- a check on your activity--- independence gone--
kinda catch 22 going on.
So nyou are not going to do the things you really want to do because others do not like it....and you'd rather choose to do things you do not like as much...right?
I think I have been not very clear , may be. or you have read between the lines.
If your novelty ( not happiness) causes pain to someone ( I don't mean tht if some one is jealous of you..then you should stop every channel of joy!!!)... ; it is wrong to go ahead.
We just have to be more considerate and perhaps a li'l introspective.
no re, you have been very clear...Its just that I put such questions to many ppl and get certain answers...we aren't really at the answer stage with this one...
I hope you don't mind my tone...it has been like that...I don't want to sound argumentative or accusatory...
no, Y should I mind your tone:)
you have not been accusatory ; just a bit inquisitive. If I cannot dodge questions I should rather stop blogging.
In fact I am happy that you read my post with an eagle's eye..
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