Tuesday, August 19, 2008

missing the bus

I have missed the bus once again. not a great feeling to see it swish past me leaving a trail of smoke behind. from ages ( as far as I remember ..) people have believed that only losers miss buses. but I think the contrary.

I remember a different kinda loser from one movie ( Ok, He finally did something heroic...!! ) with files clutched under his arms ; ogling at some beatnik beauty at the bus stop and traveling from office to office via buses, only to be rejected by the managers again and again. What really did he get from boarding the bus in time? Nothing.

Missing the bus has given me opportunities to venture into different places. Once I ended up spending 3- 4 hours in LANDMARK ( bookstore) after I was left black by the soot of a missed-me-again-sweetie!!. Then, I struck a conversation with a learned old man once after he was left gasping and cursing by the same devil. He told me so much about himself in a gap of one hour. I don't know most of my super friends in such excruciating detail. He was a poet ( no money in poetry and no poetry in money , remember?? ). I picked up this habit of jotting poems from there. Who says only legacy hands you things. Missing the bus can come in handy!!!

watching the bus arrive finally after hours of desperate waiting brings me a joy which is very strange yet so sweet. I would have went on, but the bus may arrive any minute ( again the uncertainty adds spice to the whole anticipation and hope that my rickety overcrowded boulder of a vehicle would arrive ) , so I have to pack up. some people are watching me since half an hour. small kids ( laden with a full-of-books bag are chatting ..) ; office guys are keen on heading home and are betraying relief ( at last )..there is a whole bunch of girls ( ahh..haaa!!!) and they would board too....

and this is the first time , I have blogged @ bus-stop.

what more could I really ask for??


Rene Lacoste said...

What an achievement! I once tried to blog in the bathroom before taking a bath....but chickened out...:)

Nirvana said...

Reading it brought in various snapshots from flicks.Esp. a scene in the movie 'spdierman' when he Toby Mcguire misses his bus.

I've noted a lucid imagery in your works n that makes it come alive:P.

And I hope a day comes when all the buses stop right in front of you themselves.

Ahh silly dreams, they make you look stupid, don't they? :P

an opinion said...


o really? Why did you chicken out?? the torrent of water scared you?? the lappy would have got...:)

Risks bring alive the beautiful and latent desires that won't otherwise get realized.

If you really want something crazy, go for it.

You would remember and recount it to your grandchildren( assuming that you would marry:P )


I would love to read a post, scribbled in the holy bathroom.

an opinion said...


thanks for your read and appreciation.

actually I had the same scene ( also a scene from DEEWAR) in mind while I wrote this.

dear me!! hope is a good thing, may be the best of things and no good thing ever dies. ( COURTESY: THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION) . how long would buses evade me?

everything has to stop someday. Buses are no exception.

speaking of dreams, yep, they do.

Rene Lacoste said...

Risks and thoughts of kids and grandkids are fine...but Carolina is not just my laptop! :D

When I couldn't get my laptop to the bathroom, I sat down and "wrote" a mental post...took a quick bath,(I don't know if it can be called a bath ;)) raced to my laptop(after drying my hands, of course :D) and typed out the entire thing.

Neha said...

Awesome post! Missing the bus is my life story. But, like you said, it's not too bad.

I love posts like these, waiting eagerly for another one.

Neha said...

By the way, thanks for adding me to your blog roll. When I figure out how to get one expect to be on the list ;)

Abhiket -- Sky is the limit..... said...

unbelievable man......you can write on anything you want to.....who would expect such a great writing on "missing a bus"....only a keen observer can do so....and you are one of them....so continue writing and impressing all.....great going...

NotFunnyNotFamous said...

Hey.. Thanks for dropping by... though would like to know where did you find my blog from... from indiblogger..?? or elsewhere..?
Anyway read a few of your posts... loved the way you write... will blogroll you soon...

and all the best for that book of yours.. :)

@ Rene: Blogging in the bathroom... wow...! you know you get the best ideas in the bathroom or the loo..
sad but true..!

an opinion said...

*neha: my pleasure to be up there on your blog roll!! Be happy to know that you aren't the only one missing the buses..there are many!!!

*suspended animation

Umm..the book would see itself basking in sunlight, I hope:p

I was roaming here and there and stumbled upon it. Glad that I did. I read your posts and found them befitting enough to be up there.